One more sleepless night….

Time is now flying – just one night left here. It’s very warm and humid. Toughest time of the day is the half hour when you go to bed, attempting to ignore the unrelenting drone of machinery.

For some reason, they are really getting to me again. I’m sure they cause deep neurological damage. It’s hard to describe what it is like – I have woken up thinking I was on a plane, but it’s not quite that. There’s the drone but also a hard edge, which I think must be when people turn the ACs up because I haven’t really noticed it since the first few weeks here, when the AC in the apartment on the first floor was obviously faulty.

In the bedroom I’m in, there’s a boarded-up window-style AC, but through the flue to which it is attached I still get the sound of all the other ACs in the building. So even when you turn off your AC, you don’t get any peace. There is also a racket from the bathroom, also attached to this central empty space. In the kitchen, they fixed the fan, which turns on with the light. It is also noisy, but on the plus side, it means you don’t forget to turn off the light.

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