The War Against Slugs

Over the years, I have taken many approaches in the war against slugs. I have diligently watered and then collected them each evening. I have poured salt on them so they “melt” (to quote niece No 2).
One summer, I decided to use beer traps, only to be woken at sunrise each morning by drunken magpies, clattering into my window and arguing over the rich feast below.
For a few years, I resigned myself to living with nature. Then earlier this summer, I planted three tomato seedlings outdoors. One I put into a pot. It lasted about two weeks. One evening, I was out on my routine watering duties and observed that the plant had entirely vanished from the pot. It was on the ground nearby, a slug having eaten through its stalk.
So the war has resumed, this time with milk traps to avoid the problem of drunken magpies (Also tried nematodes, with limited success. Don’t think it’s warm enough.)
The results were spectacular; slugs coming from everywhere to drink their fill and then drown. Problem is the magpies now gather around the milk tray, squaking loudly.
A few mornings ago, the noise was unbearable. I went to the back bedroom and witnessed a cat lapping away at the milk, with four indignant magpies (two adults, two young ‘uns) screeching their heads off. As you can see from the pics, the cat, a regular visitor for some years now, simply ignored the birds.
I now have a new if disgusting approach: I simply stamp on any slug I come across (and about time too, you may say!).

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