H’mm, that explains it…..

This country has the highest rate of hospitalisation per head of the population than any other country in the world, I read somewhere. In S8udi, one in three suffer from diabetes and it’s nearly as bad in Gulf states. Now read on (from the local paper)….

Most birth defects in this country are the outcome of marriages between relatives, according to doctor with the pediatrics section of H8mad Medical Corporation (HMC).

Head of pediatric surgery Dr A***l Ism8il said that marriages between relatives which are common in this society meant that their offspring had a high chance of being born mentally or physically-challenged, or even both.

In an interview with an Arabic daily, he said: “We conducted 1,600 surgeries on children in 2005. Some of the procedures were very complicated, such as carrying out colon transplants.”

He added that in 70 per cent of the cases, the patient could be out of the hospital within a day. According to Ism8il, complications can also be caused by people eating meat of animals which have been given growth hormones to bulk them up.Through consumption, these hormones, he said, could have an adverse effect on humans, especially children.

There have also been sporadic cases of children being born of indeterminate sex. Ismail said that this unit also had to conduct examinations in such cases to determine whether the child was male or female. “However, such instances are very rare. We only had one such case in 2005,” he said.

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