
Swan family grows up

Here they are – the family of swans as they grow up in Blackrock. According to a Man on a Bike who stopped to comment as I took these pics, the mother and father are two years old; the original pair was killed by foxes. The parent swans chase the babies away when they can fend for themselves to somewhere like Bray, where all the young wans – or should that be swans- meet up, get pally and pair off. For some reason, Blackrock Park only ever has one pair of swans (although I spotted a third swan last winter). The Grand Canal has hundreds, as has Bray.
The notice (“Always Look on the Bright Side…”) I saw propped up outside the traveller’s halting site. The heron (“They eat their young. Do you know that?” asked the Man on a Bike) was on the small “island”. And the Martello tower has had another clean-up, although there is one graffito already on the back.

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