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YouTube getting lots of hits
We now have over 1,140 hits on the promo video for “Lady Icarus” which is very encouraging. TG4 is showing an interest, but to get the film made, more than one TV station will need to get involved. Anything involving the filming of vintage planes is not going to come cheap.So thanks for your support […]
Lady Icarus – the Movie
Now for ‘Lady Icarus – the Movie”, which will tell the story of Irish aviator Lady Mary Heath, who flew from Cape Town to London solo in 1928. To get backing at theSheffield Documentary Festival it needs LOTS of hits, so pass on the word (please!) and add your comments. We really need to get […]
Great guitar/ukulele performance
Would you believe that the humble ukulele could produce music like this? Wonderful (off to buy a uke).
Great guitar/ukulele performance
Would you believe that the humble ukulele could produce music like this? Wonderful (off to buy a uke).
"Let’s Run" on the way
As it hapens, this isn’t the cover for “Let’s Run” after all – booksellers don’t like this one, so Susan from Ashfield Press is currently designing one based on photographs. Whatever happens you will still be to buy the book by mid-October at the very latest. Buy a copy and I’ll sign it for you!
Photographs on Flickr
Where have I been for the last while? Mainly taking photographs and uploading them to my Flickr address which is (will add to my links):http://www.flickr.com/photos/62351605@N00/Just in case you want to look!
Quality Irish Craftsmanship
The guys who built this wall (part of an extension to a house near where I live) were PAID! This is the side of the wall the woman who employed them clearly didn’t see….and I thought Doha was bad!
The War Against Slugs
Over the years, I have taken many approaches in the war against slugs. I have diligently watered and then collected them each evening. I have poured salt on them so they “melt” (to quote niece No 2).One summer, I decided to use beer traps, only to be woken at sunrise each morning by drunken magpies, […]
Lady Icarus – new edition April 11, 2024
Want to Explore Herbert Simms’ Dublin? November 8, 2023
Simms book – launch November 7 July 15, 2023
“Lady Icarus” – sold out! As are the Markievicz books! November 25, 2020
Cork – “the most comfortable jail” August 4, 2019
Keith S: Excellen blog , thanks for the effort/info here.Be...
LindieNaughton: Have corrected in the copy....
Anonymous: Barbara Sanchez coach is Sebastian Lochteau now...
Anonymous: I knew Joe through his being part of the Cabra Lio...
Anonymous: I knew Joe through his being part of the Cabra Lio...